Wim Hof Method Workshop in Barcelona — Inspire Potential

Wim Hof Method Workshop in Barcelona

Par:  Leonardo Pelagotti

Writing by my own and in French was not enough funny so let’s welcome Leo for our first article together in English.
We are planning to write some articles to share with you our experiences, challenges and also to promote our way of life. We believe in the power of our mind and body.
Let’s start this article with a method we discovered few months ago and we talked already about: the Wim Hof Method. And because we love traveling and discovering new cultures, what better than mixing a workshop with a trip abroad?
This time we bring you to the amazing city of Barcelona! We enjoyed the train by night from Paris and went straight to our Airbnb in the Gothic center. Such a nice welcome from our host with a Spanish cerveza:  “Salute” I) Wim Hof WorkshopMorning: Spanish croissants and fresh juice from the local market, let’s walk to the beach and discover the amazing hotel that will host the workshop. The Dutch staff welcomes us! We have the chance to talk and take pictures with Wim Hof before the training starts.
It’s in an international spirit we spend this day. We are around 100 participants, mainly guys. I will spread this technique to women soon!!
The first part of the workshop is Wim Hof explaining more the discovery of his method and how he is working with the scientific community to show to the entire world the benefits of the method. It’s impressive that he showed that a control on our autonomic nervous system is possible.

With Wim Hof

Then we begin with the breathing exercise all together. It is so strong to feel all the energy the group is bringing. The sensations are stronger compared to when we are doing it at home. My hands (Elise) had pins and needles, my head was light. Tears fall on my chicks. I have the feeling I have to release some emotions and I let go.

Afternoon: There is no lunch break during the workshop. We learn that Wim has only one meal a day, and we linked it with our intermittent fasting regime (we will write more about it in a separate article soon). We fell really relaxed before we prepare to go outside for the ice bath. A prepared inflated swimming pool outside is waiting for us with a lot of ice cubes. By small groups we enter in the water and we breathe to control our mind and body in the cold water. I (Elise) thought it would be harder but being in a group helped a lot.Wim is a bit crazy, in a good way, for us it’s a really beautiful example of the modern hero who believes in true values and engages himself for something bigger than his ego. He engaged himself to help people with his method becoming more self-confident, healthier and happier, being in the present by reducing our stress. Finally stronger.
We meet other instructors of the Method who finished convincing Leo to join this team and taking the path of helping people with these values and exercises. (Leo was already planning to join their team anyway).
On our way back, we find a pop-up fest with local food stands, beers and live music. We stop to have some grilled fish and take a sum-up video about the experiences of the day (you can find the Barcelona workshop video on Elise&Leo Youtube channel).  
We finished this day full of positivism and filled of the conviction that we should keep going with this technique and spread it around because of all the benefits it’s bringing to us. I’m sure it’s making our couple stronger and ready to face more challenges and not being scared to plan projects together.II) The CityWe were not expecting something so enjoyable. We really appreciated the combination of the city atmosphere with the sea and nature. We were amazed by the beauty of la Sagrada Familia and the genius of Gaudi (we advise you to book your ticket in advance to be sure to enter and not to queue too long.)
We went also to the park Güell and enjoyed the beautiful view of all Barcelona from the colorful balcony made of Gaudi mosaics. The park is, with the Sagrada Familia, another must view of the city, but again plan your visit ahead and book the tickets online to avoid long queues. . 

Barcelona feels authentic. It is a good mix with gothic architecture, historic center, gardens and parks and all on the sea that you can enjoy with the local beach in the center of the water front. 

We went to the sea every morning walking between the small roads, early in the morning, when everything is quiet. Reaching the beach in a 20 minutes’ walk from the city center is invaluable. Then enjoying the peaceful view of a sun rising over the sea in front of us and the peace of the morning. We meditated looking ahead at the horizon, blue and light filling our eyes and emptying our minds. The water is still fresh, so we can put into practice our breathing technique and the Wim Hof Method and go swimming. We warm up with some Yoga positions under a warm sun. During the days we decided to walk instead that taking the metro. Not only this allows us for more tapas at the restaurant but can give us a true view of what it is to live the city. Walking in Barcelona is another good tip we feel to give. Barcelona is accessible and not too big, and in this way you will discover local art galleries, Spanish bars where having a free drink with a Airbnb meet-up, cute squares and gardens.
On the top of the hill where the Castle Montjuic is, there is also a pop-up bar “La Caseta del Migdia” that serves a mixed grill and a beer for 15€. All of it with the harbor view on Barcelona sea. 
In the Gothic district we enjoyed great Tapas at “Bodega la Puntual” and at “Tosca”. We can recommend them both. Not far from our house at “Chorche” we also found a gaudi style art gallery, run by young Barcelonan artists, “Galeria Maxo”, it is worth a look!

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